Dear Neighbors,
Here's the video of the Subcommittee meeting that discussed the Community Plan Update on June 20th:
This was the last meeting before the June 30th deadline to submit public comments on the Draft Plan. Instructions to submit comments can be found at the bottom of this post.
Andy Weise, chair of the UC Plan Update Subcommittee explains the next steps in the process at 2:09.
Help Save UC’s Comments on the Draft Plan
We submitted a comment letter to the City on May 4, 2023 that focused mostly on the Vons and Sprouts shopping centers and encouraged the City to:
• Lower the proposed density at both shopping centers
• Reduce the 100-foot height limit to 50 feet at Vons and 40 feet at Sprouts
• Include at least 30-foot setbacks from rear and side property lines
• Require at least one parking space on site for new residents, and
• Include language to protect existing commercial services and require such services to be included in future projects.
Submit Comments on the Draft Plan
If you want to support our comments or submit your own, please write to Nancy Graham at, and CC the following people:
• Chris Nielsen (chair of the UC Planning Group):
• Andy Wiese (chair of the UC Plan Update Subcommittee):
• Kent Lee (Our District 6 councilmember):
• Zach Burton (D6 Council Representative Communities: UC):
• San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria:
• Joe LaCava (District 1 councilmember):
Please also CC so we can track how many comments are submitted.
The public comment period will close on June 30.
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