Dear Neighbors,
The City is proposing several related land-use changes simultaneously this summer which we want to bring to your attention.
Review of the Community Discussion Draft
On April 18, many of us attended the first of three planned monthly University Community Planning Group (UCPG) subcommittee meetings to discuss the draft plan. A video recording is available on our YouTube channel.
The draft plan is available here: On-Screen Version | Print Version
A recording of the Planning Department’s April 11 presentation to the UCPG is also available on YouTube as well as their presentation PDF.
New information is emerging during community meetings that's upending our previous assumptions about the scope and impact shown in the plan documents. For example, the height limits at the Vons and Sprouts shopping centers are proposed to be 100 feet, more than double the current height limit at Vons and triple at Sprouts. Also, the Community Discussion Draft does not include sufficient protections for essential community-serving retail and residents.
We are conducting a thorough review of the Community Discussion Draft and will send a list of requested changes to the City during the first week of May, which we will then share with the community. It is essential that community members provide feedback to the City on the Discussion Draft.
In the meantime, we want to bring your attention to two other significant land use issues that are ongoing.
Lawsuit Challenging City's Approval of Sustainable Development Areas (SDAs)
Neighbors for A Better San Diego is supporting a lawsuit challenging the City's approval of Sustainable Development Areas (SDAs), which allow multi-unit construction on properties, including areas zoned for single-family homes, within one mile walking distance of a current or future planned major transit stop. San Diego’s one mile designation of walkability exceeds almost all other government agency definitions to allow for significantly more development and density. Details of the filing and how to donate to the lawsuit can be found at: "Newly-Filed Lawsuit Challenges City of San Diego’s Massive, Irresponsible Upzoning of Single-Family Neighborhoods".
Housing Action Package 2.0
The City recently released its Housing Action Plan 2.0. Of particular concern is the City's Implementation of Senate Bill 10 (SB 10).
This measure allows development of 10-unit apartment buildings on single family lots located within Sustainable Development Areas (see above). In South University City, this would allow high density housing in many single family lots within one mile walking distance of the Governor and Genesee intersection.
Most importantly, once adopted by City Council, the state legislation (SB 10) says that the upzoning introduced by this land use measure can never be repealed by this or any future City Council. Once the City adopts this new measure, these developments will be allowed forever.
The community raised their opposition to the proposed upzoning of single family lots to townhouses in April 2022. We think the City’s proposed implementation of SB 10 is worse. If you want to learn more about SB 10, visit our blog post: "Replacing Single Family Homes with Missing Middle Housing".

Public hearings on the SB 10 proposal will occur sometime this summer and we will do our best to keep the community apprised of this matter. In the coming weeks, we will provide a list of changes needed in the Community Discussion Draft and the City's Housing Action Plan 2.0, and will provide details on how residents can express their concerns to the City.