Take Action Now on the UC Plan Update!
When: Tuesday, February 21st at 6:00 p.m.
Where: University City High School – Media Center/Library Room
Dear Friends of UC,
We thank all of you who participated in speaking up against Sustainable Development Areas, which were unfortunately approved 5-4 by the City Council on February 14th. Now it’s time to turn our attention back to the Community Plan.
The next University City Plan Update Subcommittee meeting will be held in person on Tuesday, February 21st, at 6:00 p.m. in University City High School’s Media Center/Library Room. Meeting details and registration are here.
There will be no Zoom option, but the UCCA will be video streaming the meeting on Facebook Live (view only, no ability to interact).
After two months of no meetings, we need to show the Planning Department that the University City community is still engaged in this process!
The meeting agenda will focus on proposed mobility networks (public transit, driving, biking, walking) included in the Plan Update. The City will present its proposals and accept comments after that discussion.
If you would like to provide general comments on the Plan Update not related to mobility, there will be a comment period at the beginning of the meeting for non-agenda public comments.

The City is still working on the final Land Use Scenarios for the Plan Update and is aiming to present a final draft at the March meeting (possibly April). We encourage you to provide input on these Land Use Scenarios now so that the City can consider all comments, and possible changes, before it circulates the final Land Use Scenarios for consideration.

As of now, at least one Land Use Scenario still proposes to increase density at the Vons and Sprouts shopping centers from the current zoning of 29 dwelling units/acre (allowing approximately 200 housing units) to 73 dwelling units/acre (allowing approximately 500–600 housing units). If you don’t agree with these changes, please email Nancy Graham at NHGraham@sandiego.gov to say that there should be NO upzoning of commercial properties on Governor Drive (i.e. no increase in density, particularly at the Vons and Sprouts shopping centers), and that any rezoning of single-family homes must still be kept off the plan. See you at the meeting! Volunteers at Help Save UC