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Time is running out! We need your help sending comments

Updated: Jun 9, 2024

Dear Friends of UC,

The City’s efforts to finalize the University Community Plan Update are wrapping up quickly. On Thursday, May 23, the City released a new proposed Draft Plan, updated since the March 2024 draft. Once again, the City did not incorporate any of our requested changes.

You can see the May 2024 Draft Plan and a document that lists the changes at:

The Planning Commission will be asked to recommend approval of the Plan Update and the Environmental Impact Report at a hearing on Thursday, May 30. This vote is scheduled even though the EIR is still in draft form and hasn’t been updated to include the evaluation of the lower density alternative, which the City said they intend to do in the final EIR document.

The Land Use and Housing committee is expected to meet June 13 on this topic, and City Council will likely hear this matter on July 23 for the final vote.

We are requesting that you participate by sending comments opposing the Plan Update to both the Planning Commission and Council Members Lee and LaCava.

Please note that the Plan Update is still in flux while the City receives feedback. Our suggested comments reflect what we know right now.


A) Submit comments to Planning Commission by May 29

Please submit comments to the Planning Commission by May 29 to let them know you do not agree with the Plan Update and request changes:

  1. Go to

  2. Enter Meeting Date 5/30/2024

  3. Select “Agenda Comment” and put Agenda Item Number 3

  4. Tick that you are in opposition

  5. Enter comments. Suggested comments that fit the 200-word limit are below.


I am opposed to the University Community Plan Update, which proposes to more than double the population in UC. The overall density proposed in the Plan Update should be reduced because the Plan Update does not provide enough park space or guaranteed upgrades to transportation and emergency services that would be needed to support the proposed densities. Densities at shopping centers in residential areas should be reduced to 54 dwelling units/acre, and height limits should be 50 feet or less. Setbacks at shopping centers in residential areas should be increased to 30 feet, and required commercial space should be 80% of the ground floor area. SDRs should be modified to ensure that the public has access to all new public spaces, and these areas must be increased. The University Community Plan area should be exempt from the Complete Communities program now that the Plan has been updated to allow significantly higher levels of density.


B) Send emails to Councilmembers Kent Lee and Joe LaCava by June 3

Help Save UC is scheduled to meet with Councilmember Kent Lee on June 5 to discuss the Plan Update.

Please email these councilmembers by June 3 to reiterate the need to modify the Plan Update:

Joe LaCava (

Here is a proposed message to email Councilmembers Lee and LaCava:


Dear Councilmember,

I am opposed to the University Community Plan Update, which proposes to more than double the population in UC.

The overall density proposed in the Plan Update should be reduced because the Plan Update does not provide enough park space or guaranteed upgrades to transportation and emergency services that would be needed to support the proposed densities.

Densities at shopping centers in residential areas should be reduced to 54 dwelling units/acre, and height limits should be 50 feet or less. Setbacks at these shopping centers should be increased to 30 feet, and required commercial space should be 80% of the ground floor area.

SDRs should be modified to ensure that the public has access to all new public spaces, and these areas must be increased.

The University Community Plan area should be exempt from the Complete Communities program now that the Plan has been updated to allow significantly higher levels of density.


It is critical that community members continue to voice their concerns about the Plan Update. Please submit these comments by May 29 (Planning Commission) and June 3 (Councilmembers Lee and LaCava). Thank you for your continued support.


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