The University City community came out in droves for the in-person University Community Plan Update open house and meeting on May 17th. We estimate there were between 200 and 300 in attendance. It was wonderful to see so many people supporting our neighborhood, speaking up, applauding their neighbors' comments, and getting informed on what the City is proposing. Thank you to everyone who attended.
Even though the proposal to rezone single-family housing has been withdrawn by the City, there are many remaining questions and concerns about other plans for huge amounts of development in our area. We addressed some issues with these plans in our Help Save UC presentation during the first public comment period.
Topics of our presentation included:
The flawed community survey
The City's overestimation of housing needs
The jobs/housing ratio being misapplied
The lack of a Transit Priority Area to justify increased density in south UC
The shortage of parks for so much population growth
Our presentation slides are available to view here on our website: www.helpsaveuc.org
The entire meeting video can be viewed here until mid-June: https://fb.watch/d4ElzvhlAQ/
The recording level is a bit low, so turn up your volume. The Help Save UC presentation is at 17:25.
The slides and display boards from the city can be viewed here: https://www.planuniversity.org/meetings
Scroll down, click on 2022, and find May.
Thank you for your continued support, and stay tuned for our next steps!