We have linked to an urgent plea from Neighbors for a Better San Diego, a local grassroots organization that has been working for the last two years to protect residential neighborhoods in San Diego. Along with other housing issues, their latest concern is the City's proposal to replace so-called Transit Priority Areas (TPA), designated within half a mile of transit, with Sustainable Development Areas (SDA), designated within one mile walking distance of transit. This change, if approved by the San Diego City Council, will make it possible for more development to occur further from transit. Here in University City, University Square (Vons center on Governor Dr.) is already in a TPA and would be included in an SDA. UC Marketplace (the Sprouts shopping center) is not currently in a TPA but would be located in an SDA, leading to looser restrictions on development and likely reduced parking requirements for any housing added there.
The Land Use and Housing Committee of the San Diego City Council will be voting on this item on Thursday, January 12th. Please read the email from Neighbors for a Better San Diego, and take one minute to submit a comment to the City before Thursday by following their instructions.
Below are some links to more information:
Neighbors for a Better San Diego email update:
The San Diego Union-Tribune article on this topic:
City map showing current Transit Priority Areas and proposed Sustainable Development Areas: