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Oct. 18th Community Plan Meeting & Our Proposal

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Dear Friends of University City,

The next meeting of the University Community Plan Update Subcommittee is this Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom. Yes, it is during the Padres game! This meeting is very important, as most of the agenda is devoted to discussion of the land use scenarios the city has proposed for our UC plan update (click for agenda). In addition, Help Save UC is hoping to present a proposal that would achieve a lower-density land use scenario and requesting that the City and subcommittee consider it (more information below). Please participate in the meeting to let the City know that the community is still involved and to let your voice be heard. Below is the link to register. Oct. 18th meeting registration: Click here The City's two proposed Land Use Scenarios for University City (shown here compared to the adopted/current land use) allow for massive development in North UC, replacing low-rise complexes with towers, and converting the two South UC shopping centers to mixed-use residential/commercial of unknown height and seemingly limited parking. We at Help Save UC absolutely oppose the amount of growth and density shown in Land Use Scenario 1 (tripling the potential population in the area) and Land Use Scenario 2 (doubling the potential population in the area). Since last spring, Help Save UC has tried to convince the City to reduce the housing density in these Land Use Scenarios to reflect only the amount of growth necessary to accommodate the population projections by SANDAG, which these two land use scenarios greatly surpass. We have done presentations, sent emails and submitted written comments during meetings. Unfortunately, our efforts have been completely dismissed. It is abundantly clear that the City will not consider creating a Land Use Scenario based on SANDAG's growth projections. At the September 29 Planning Commission workshop meeting, almost all planning commissioners supported maximum density for the Plan Update, preferring Land Use Scenario 1 (the higher density scenario). Their feedback gives the Planning Department little incentive to revise the plan. In response, Help Save UC has created a new proposal. We recognize that the City requires some growth, and the amount must be more than SANDAG's population projections would require, and what we might want, in order for the City to engage in any conversation with us. Fighting for minimal development would be a losing battle. We have therefore submitted a proposal asking the Planning Department to create a Land Use Scenario with less density and growth than Land Use Scenario 2, and with development primarily focused around the new Trolley stops. We must stand behind an alternative proposal if our community wants less growth than the currently proposed Land Use Scenarios 1 and 2. We are requesting that the City produce a Land Use Scenario based on our parameters. Highlights of our proposal include:

  • No rezoning of single family residential neighborhoods.

  • Sprouts and Vons shopping centers on Governor must maintain their current height limits (30' and 45' respectively) and current setbacks.

  • Shopping centers that add housing must provide parking for both uses and retain local services such as grocery stores.

  • Maximum density properties should be within a quarter-mile of a Trolley stop and limited to mid-rise development (5 or 6 stories) .

  • Development more than a quarter-mile from a Trolley stop should be less than 5 stories high.

  • All new residential development must incorporate recreational outdoor space.

We enjoyed discussing these ideas with many of you at Oktoberfest and received mostly positive feedback. If you want to hear more about our proposal, please attend the meeting Tuesday night where we hope to provide more information. If you support our proposal for the City to prepare a Land Use Scenario with less density and growth than Land Use Scenario 2, please tell the City to honor our request. Send an email to Nancy Graham, speak at the meeting, or put your comments in the meeting chat so your position can be heard. We look forward to hearing from you on Tuesday. Sincerely, Volunteers of Help Save UC


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