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Email Kent Lee before June 13 Land Use & Housing Committee Meeting

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

Dear Friends of UC,

The City is in the last stages to finalize the University Community Plan Update. On May 30, despite strong presentations by the University City Planning Group, Help Save UC and UC Peeps recommending revisions, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the City’s proposed Plan for approval with no modifications. The next step in the process is an evaluation of the Plan Update by the City’s Land Use & Housing Committee. This is scheduled for June 13, and will be chaired by Councilmember Kent Lee. (See the bottom of this email for details about this hearing.)

Members of Help Save UC met with Councilmember Lee on June 5 to present our specific requests. While he acknowledged our issues, at this time he appears committed to the Plan Update in its current form.

Help Save UC still believes our proposed modifications to the Plan are reasonable and appropriate for future development within the existing neighborhood. If you agree, please let Councilmember Lee know. You can email Kent Lee at with the following message:


Dear Councilmember Lee,

I am opposed to the University Community Plan Update, which proposes to more than double the population in UC.

The overall density proposed in the Plan Update should be reduced because the Plan Update does not provide enough park space or guaranteed upgrades to transportation and emergency services that would be needed to support the proposed densities.

Densities at shopping centers in residential areas should be reduced to 54 dwelling units/acre, and height limits should be 50 feet or less. Setbacks at these shopping centers should be increased to 30 feet, and required commercial space should be 80% of the ground floor area.

SDRs should be modified to ensure that the public has access to all new public spaces, and these areas must be increased.

The University Plan area should be exempt from the Complete Communities program now that the Plan has been updated to allow significantly higher levels of density.


The last steps in the Plan Update process are the June 13 Land Use & Housing Committee hearing, the July 23 (tentative date) City Council hearing to approve the EIR, and the July 30 (tentative date) City Council hearing to approve the Plan Update. It is critical that members of the community continue to voice their concerns about the Plan Update for there to be any possibility of modification before these final votes.

Please email Councilmember Lee, and attend in person or speak virtually at the June 13 Land Use & Housing Committee hearing. It will take place at 1pm at City Administration Building Council Chambers -12th Floor 202 C Street, San Diego CA 92101. The link to attend the meeting virtually is:

Thank you for your continued support.


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